Jun 22, 2005

news, news, NEWS!!!!

It has been ages since I posted, but I have been busy. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here, other than...



I'm so HAPPY!!!


Jun 8, 2005

More and more of my so-called life...

So I have been slow on the blog again. I guess I have the blog blahs. There really isn’t any other reason as to why I haven’t been blogging lately. I just feel like everyone who reads this (thank you, by the way) already know me well enough to know exactly what is going on in my life. But then there are the randoms, and that is part of the joy of blogging.

Oh, and the INSANE BUSINESS!!!!!

So I have been busy, but things are settling down once more. The Gelateria finally opened at work, to much success, and I am already sick of gelato. Not so much sick of gelato itself, but of people being excited by it. It’s freaking gelato people! Judging by some people’s reactions, you’d think it was from outer space. The Italians have been eating it for centuries! “What’s sorbetto?” Use your freaking brain! Here is a step-by-step guide for you:

What does “sorbetto” sound and look like?

Could it be “sorbet?” or even “sherbert” for the uninitiated? Oh, and “limone” is pronounced just like it looks. lee-moan. Not ley-mawn-ay.

Oh well, you can’t win all the time.

It’s really not that bad, it is just the same thing, day in day out, the same flavours, the same comments, you know the drill. Anyone who has worked in retail or hospitality will understand what I am going through. As for the next time I get asked if we take “dollars,” I am going to respond “Sorry ma’am. We only accept beaver pelts here in Canada.” Our money is called the “Canadian Dollar,” and it isn’t British.

Because up here in Canada we are just a bunch of raging colonials anyways.

But on to greener pastures. In my last post I talked about the Corporate Rowing Challenge. Well, we had our big regatta this past Saturday, and we whooped some serious ass! Namely, we are the city champions for defender quads! We beat out KMPG Management Services with a time of 1:19. Not too shabby. And we got the big-ass trophy! It is about 3 feet tall, biggest I’ve ever seen. The other Butchart team didn’t do too badly either, coming in first in the “B” heat. The beauty of having two teams in the the program is that it increases the companies odds; Butchart has taken a championship for three of the last four years. Once I have some pictures I’ll be sure to post them.

I’ve spent the last two days (first days off in two weeks) up in Nanaimo with Liz. Chris gets back from Quebec soon, and Liz is just about going stir crazy up here on her own. We’ve spent that last two days doing pretty much nothing. We rented two movies “Envy” and “Wilbur (Wants to Kill Himself).” They were both very good. “Envy” was so randomly funny, and “Wilbur” was just a very good movie. Today we went to the mall, went to see “Madagascar” and did some shopping. I got new shoes (which I have needed for quite some time now) and we did a bit of window shopping. We also hit HMV so that I could pick up the Coldplay album. My god, it’s amazing. I’m listening to it right now, and really enjoying it. It is much less whiney than their last two albums, although I am also a fan of them too. I also bought the Keane album, and was sorely disappointed. Maybe it will grow on me, I’ll have to give it time.

I started a new book. “Anil’s Ghost” by Michael Ondaatje. A solid read, and some pretty heavy material, but I need a good book to read right now.


Anyways, it’s time for me to jet. I need to get to bed so that I can drive to Victoria early tomorrow for work. Have a great week everyone!



Jun 5, 2005

I don't really know why I do these things, but I saw it on Spencer's blog, and decided to do it for myself. The ides is that you copy it onto your blog and re-do the answers (and comments) to suit your own responses. Here goes...

Have you ever: (check all that apply)

(X) smoked a cigarette?
( ) smoked a cigar?
(X) smoked anything else?
(X) made out with a member of the same sex?
( ) crashed a friend's car?
(X) been in love?
(X) been dumped?
(X) shoplifted?
( ) been fired?
( ) been in a fist fight?
(X) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
( ) been arrested?
( ) made out with a stranger?
( ) gone on a blind date?
(X) lied to a friend?
( ) had a crush on a teacher?
(X) skipped school?
(X) slept with a co-worker?
(X) saw someone die (not on TV)?
(X) drank till you puked?
( ) been in an abusive relationship?
( ) been attracted to someone that your friends thought was unattractive?
(X) cheated while playing a game?
(X) been lonely?
( ) used a fake ID?
(X) had deja vu?
(X) felt an earthquake?
(X) been robbed? (twice. Fucking Nanaimo...)
(X) robbed someone? (unfortunately, in a weak moment MANY many years ago)
( ) been suspended from school?
(X) been in a car accident?
( ) witnessed a crime?
(X) had deja vu? (gotcha!)
(X) questioned your heart?
(X) been lost? (rarely, but hey, shit happens, right?)
(X) been to the opposite side of the country? (twice)
(X) swam in the ocean?
(X) cried yourself to sleep?
(X) sung karaoke? (ah, Club Grad)
(X) not had enough money for food? (how about right now?)
( ) paid for a meal with only coins?
(X) made prank phone calls?
(X) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
(X) kissed in the rain?
( ) crashed a party?
(X) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people?
( ) had a wish come true?
( ) told a complete stranger you loved them? (I've wished to, but alas my questioning heart)
(X) had sex in a park?
(X) had a dream that you married someone? (and been in other people's dreams getting married)
(X) worn the opposite sex's clothes? (just don't ask)
(X) ever felt the presence of a ghost?
(X) worn a really ugly outfit to school? (I was in school in the 80's. Need you ask?)
(X) gone streaking?
(X) been pushed into a pool/lake with all of your clothes on?
(X) pushed someone into a pool/lake with all of their clothes on?
( ) been told you were hot by a complete stranger? (If only)
( ) broken a bone? (nose doesn't count)
( ) caught a fish then ate it?
( ) made porn?
(X) laughed so hard you cried?
( ) cried so hard you laughed?
(X) mooned/flashed someone?
(X) cheated on a test?
(X) gone skinny dipping?
( ) been kicked out of your house?
( ) cheated on a girlfriend?
(X) had casual sex with a close friend?
( ) had sex with someone and later were ashamed to admit it?
(X) felt crushing defeat?
(X) felt thrilling victory?


There, now you have all learned more about me!

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