Dec 15, 2007

nothing to do

And it is a good thing...

I am up in Nanaimo, have been since Wednesday night. I am having an excellent time doing absolutely nothing at all. After the last few months, this has been a welcome respite. Because of my various health issues, and the fact that Liz and Chris' town house flooded out in September, I haven't had much of an opportunity to visit with them, so I have been happy to be here. We've watched movies, drank wine, and are heading out to the pub tonight with a bunch of people. Good times had by all!

I am feeling a lot better about myself in the last few days than I have been. Just taking things in stride. My mouth feels tonnes better now after the wisdom teeth, and my persistent, constant headaches are gone. It's a good thing. And I have a lot of fun to look forward to tomorrow. Drinks & a Christmas soiree at a coworker's house, and then off for a Christmas movie night with friends. Then back to work on Monday. My friends are destressing now that exams are winding down, so my social calendar is getting quite busy.

Here's to fun times in the coming days!

Dec 10, 2007

how green is my life?

Claire's recent post about the green-ness of her workplace made me think about how green I am at work, and how green I am in general. The thinking process was good, the result was bad:


- I print numerous emails, and hang on to the digital copy as well. My manager is a "paper person" so there is no way around this.
- My water at lunch is always served in a styrofoam cup.
- The pitcher of water that is kept in the fridge tastes bad, so I get mine from the tap... I run the tap for about 45 seconds before it is cold. That, I can fix.
- My printer frequently malfunctions, spewing sheets of paper and envelopes with one single character on them.
- I drive 32kms to work in my car alone, then another 32kms back at the end of the day.
- I specifically use an incandescent desk lamp - the fluorescents hurt my eyes.
- I pack my lunch in a plastic bag every day, and throw it away when I am done.
- I use two caustic chemicals in my bathroom - the biodegradable ones don't work well enough, and I am lazy, so I use the nasty stuff instead.


- When shopping for a new car for my 64km/daily commute, I got the most fuel efficient car I could afford.
- I do all of my errands on the way to/from work, so that I am combining trips.
- I signed up for to have vegetables delivered to my door every week in a reusable container. The veggies all come from with 800kms of here, so they are relatively local.
- I use biodegradable cleaners when I can.
- My lights at home are all low-energy fixtures.
- I only launder once a week, and only with full loads, and a biodegradable soap.
- I try not to buy individually-packaged things like yogurt.
- I am very conscientious of recycling. Paper, plastic, glass, all that is recycled, both at home and at work.
- I take short showers.

I am sure that this is nowhere near a comprehensive list. I know there I things that I have forgotten from both sides. I applaud any and all efforts to minimize ones impact on the earth.

And Claire, as far as New Year's Resolutions go, I applaud that you make any, even if you do feel like you do not accomplish them. I don't even try. Maybe I'll see what I can do this year. Maybe 2008 will be different.

and I'm out.

Dec 9, 2007

weekend of social

whew! Big weekend! So much happening, now I am tired. I'm having breakfast for dinner... yum.

Sat: Computer lab working, then off to see "Glorious!" at the Belfry with Liz. It was an amazing play. So funny, and very well executed. Look it up. I love going to the theatre, and I haven't seen Liz since September, so it was nice. After that, off to Cheryl's house for a Christmas get-together. I had a lot of fun, and I am sure everyone else did too. The potluck was great.

Sun: Slept in, then went a Christmas party at a co-workers house, and that was a great time. One of his guests is a professional chef, and he did the food, so it was all amazing! And the drinks just didn't stop coming. I met a lot of people, and had a lot of great conversations. Then I was off to the lab for more work.

And here I am, at home now, realizing the weekend has drawn to a close, and it was good.

I'm out.

Dec 4, 2007


Went work today, and finished prepping all the Christmas cards that we have to send out. No small task, let me tell you. 368 cards, with varying quantities being signed by up to seven different individuals. Hundreds of envelopes printed. Most of the cards are signed, so I can start sending them out tomorrow. But before they can get mailed, they have to folded and stuffed into their envelopes, then sorted as domestic, US, or International for postal reasons. AHHH!!!!

In other news, I ate my first semi-solid food that required chewing. Best omelette ever, with little chopped up, pre-cooked veggies in it. It was yummy in my tummy. However, I have started to develop a dry socket (no pain) so I have a dressing that tastes likes cloves. All the time. All day. Every hour. Cloves. I am already sick of it.

Wrote my final, it went okay, but as per my previous post, I don't really care. I bought some Christmas lights today, and put them up in my apartment. And I have also busted out the Christmas music. 'Tis the season!

Dec 3, 2007

puffy face and funny colours

I went back to work today. Man, this fall has been an absolute whirlwind. I am most definitely looking forward to the end of 2007! That being said, don't wish your life away, right?

Last Wednesday, I had my wisdom teeth removed. I only had three to begin with, so I guess I got off 'easy.' No dry socket, and an amazing doctor to do the procedure. I just have to say, thank god for extended health benefits, or I would still be trying to dig up the roughly $1,300 this procedure will cost! What are you supposed to do if you don't have money, EHB, and your wisdom teeth are causing you pain? Answer me THAT, healthcare system.

The procedure went okay. For the first time though, coming out of a general anesthetic, I was very disoriented, and had a mild panic attack. I calmed down after a few minutes, but I am man enough to admit that I was bawling when I woke up. I was confused, in pain (until the put something in my IV), and all of the events of the past few exciting months just seemed to sort of pile on me all at once, and I lost it. Had a good cry, talked to a very sympathetic nurse, and then went home. I feel so much better for having had these teeth out though, both mentally and physically. Having them out has been weighing over me for about 2 years now, and it feels good to have it behind me. Not to mention, my persistent headache... is gone. And, since my diet is restricted, I have already lost 5 pounds! That being said, my kingdom for chicken strips right now. I am tired of canned/pureed goods. Hopefully at my follow up tomorrow I will get some more advice re: diet.

I am writing my one and only final tomorrow. Then, this horrible course that I have been hating will be OVER! For good. I still don't know any of my grades in the course at all, and frankly, I don't care either. Que sera sera!

Anyways, to bed with me. It is late, and I have a lot to do tomorrow!

And a quick welcome back to Claire. It's nice to have another blogger re-born to join us.

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