Mar 20, 2006

german, party, and news

So I have been out of touch for the past couple of weeks, simply due to school overload. But most of that is behind me now, so I can focus and relax a little. I know, they sound like two things that shouldn't go together, but being able to focus coherently brings order to chaos, which eases stress/causes relaxation.

I got my German midterm back, and I didn't fare too well; 53%. But the test was grossly oversized for the 50-minute timeslot it was scheduled for. Only two people left the room ahead of time. 8 of the marks I lost were for mis-spelling words, or forgetting to finish words completely, which got worse towards the end of the test, and was caused by lack of time.

I went to a St. Patrick's Day party on Friday at Michael's house. An amazing time was had by all. I drank too much (way too much), smoked some weed (big mistake) and tottered home at 3:30am in the morning. I then got four hours of sleep, because the sun came out and woke me up, and Samara's mom made the three of us poached eggs on toast, which was exactly what I needed before heading to Cinecenta to work a split 8-hour shift. Needless to say, Sunday was pretty much a write off, except for a great walk that Mera and I went on. I hadn't been to Witty's Lagoon in a long time, and it was great to go there. I forgot how beautiful Metchosin is.

But something else happened at the party on Friday that is worth mentioning; I met someone. Someone I want to spend more time with and get to know. We had coffee today at the school, just sat in the sun on the Quad and talked. It was great. He has to bury himself in some papers over the next couple of weeks, but we are going to do a couple of movie nights (hopefully) once his work load eases a bit.

Anyways, I am off for another walk downtown with Mera, maybe I'll buy her a coffee, and then off to Paboom to buy a journal.

Cheers all!

Mar 9, 2006



i was going to clean my room, and then I was like "I need to change the background on my blog."

So i did...

You are now looking at a picture of the MacLaurin Building at Uvic. Ain't it hot?

I have been really into architecture and photos lately. I need to buy a book on it. Speaking of books, Mera loaned me "Magical Thinking" by Augusten Burroughs, which is probably the best book/collection of short stories I have ever read. Really a hoot. Maybe if I keep it long enough, Mera will forget she owns it. I also recently read "Brokeback Mountain" by Annie Proulx. It was amazing, movie hype aside. It actually opens up the movie, if you get what I understand what I mean. I also need to read "Rise of Rome" by the ancient Roman historian Livy. Not exciting, in the slightest.

Anyways, I think I will finish cleaning my room now.

and I'm out.

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