Mar 9, 2006



i was going to clean my room, and then I was like "I need to change the background on my blog."

So i did...

You are now looking at a picture of the MacLaurin Building at Uvic. Ain't it hot?

I have been really into architecture and photos lately. I need to buy a book on it. Speaking of books, Mera loaned me "Magical Thinking" by Augusten Burroughs, which is probably the best book/collection of short stories I have ever read. Really a hoot. Maybe if I keep it long enough, Mera will forget she owns it. I also recently read "Brokeback Mountain" by Annie Proulx. It was amazing, movie hype aside. It actually opens up the movie, if you get what I understand what I mean. I also need to read "Rise of Rome" by the ancient Roman historian Livy. Not exciting, in the slightest.

Anyways, I think I will finish cleaning my room now.

and I'm out.


Cannon's Cabin 1:20 PM  

some more randomness: I haven't spent ANY money this month on VISA!! hahahaha! I thought I'd laugh at you because of your fateful mall trip... that's it. Just a loser comment to let you know I don't feel your pain. Glad to be of service.

someone who can afford rent this month! :)

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