Sep 17, 2006

So I had people from work over for an end-of-year party last night, and everybody had a great time. The clincher? I have likely borken my ankle. We don't know for sure, I am going in for xrays tomorrow morning, but it sure looks/feels broken. How'd I do it? I fell the down the last half of the stairs from our deck to the backyard...

Oh well, shitty things happen. Maybe people will pay alot of attention to me if I am temporarily crippled. The bad news is that I had to cancel a shift at the Gardens, cause I can't really work a standing canape reception with a broken ankle, can I?


Claire 10:09 PM  

What? Dave, your party must have been a lot wilder than mine! That's awful!

samara 12:46 AM  

ouch Dave, that sucks!

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