Oct 6, 2006


So I don't have much to update on, except that ENGL 353: Introduction to Medieval Literature is a freaking hard course! The prof assigns a LOT of work. Next week, we have two hours of reading for each class, a five page assignment due on Thursday, and a translation quiz on Thursday as well. And that is a typical week.

And, in typical Dave fashion, I have been procrastinating quite badly. I am going to rearrange my room, do the dishes, go see a movie, go for coffee, do ANYTHING except my schoolwork. Add to that, I started up on MySpace. So there is a few hours out the window right there.

Speaking of movies, I went and saw Little Muss Sunshine. It is one of the best movies I have seen in years. Well executed, and absolutely hilarious. I have now seen it twice, and laughed my ass off both times! If you have an opportunity, I would strongly recommend seeing this film. Not to mention, the soundtrack is so cute!

And I'm off to my German class...


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