Apr 22, 2007

man, i feel like crap

So, you know how I was bitching about upholding family obligations that my parents planned? Well, the obligation was to transport my Grandma Anderson to the last youth orchestra concert of the season, which I didn't want to do, and wasn't planning on attending in any case.

The good news was that I didn't have to do that. The bad news is because Grandma Anderson had a massive stroke at some point on Friday night/Saturday morning, and passed away early this morning.

I feel like such a selfish scumbag. I mean, she wouldn't have been able to go to the concert anyways as a result of the stroke, but I still feel crappy for not doing something differently, even though there is nothing that I could have done that would have affected anything.

Luckily, she went quickly, and she was comfortable. Now, we wait for news from her son about funeral/memorial arrangements.



Claire 9:24 PM  
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Claire 9:25 PM  

I'm so sorry Dave. I know you're feeling guilty, and I know you know that it's not rational, but nothing really helps for awhile does it? Thinking about you!

The Steadfast Warrior 5:53 PM  

Oh, Dave, I'm sorry. I know how difficult this is for you. Grandma Anderson was a lovely lady. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Call me anytime.

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