Feb 20, 2005

Road trip (and more!)

I went for a road trip today with Lindsay and Claire. Just for the day, but we had a great time nonetheless. We went all the way to Port Alberni, via Cathedral Grove, and then went on to Sproat Lake to finish the day. We got the best donuts (sorry Timmy's, but your donuts just aren't the same anymore) at this little hole in the wall (no pun intended) shop in Port Alberni.

Some times is just really great to go out and relax, without anytime constraints and just shoot the breeze with your best friends.

You know, it has been striking me lately that I am hitting a lot of milestones in the last little while. I have known Lindsay, Claire, Keenan and Cheryl for 5 years now. That is the longest time I have ever had "close friends." Sure, I have had a large number of acquaintances over the years, but one can only have a few close friends over a lifetime. But this leads me to the other close friends I have made. Jen and Dave at work, Chloe, Samara and Tara, Serena, Sue, Rachelle, Donna, Alex, and many others (sorry if I didn't mention you!) I really feel like I am "growing up!" (Mommy, wow!)

AND... I got my Long Time Seasonal Staff ID card at work a couple of weeks ago. That means FIVE YEARS at one employer. The last job I held that long was as a paper carrier.

All I need now is that special someone, and all would be good! Sigh...

Anyways, pictures from the roadtrip are below. And don't forget to place your opinion of the new profile pic!


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