Mar 19, 2005

New music

So, I just discovered a new band that I like.

The Be Good Tanyas.

I heard them in an ad on TV for Zellers. And I like them a LOT!

Linds, you should download them. The album is on iTunes, it's called "Blue Horse." What you should do is download their other album, "Chinatown," also on iTunes, and then just download "The Littlest Birds" from "Blue Horse." I didn't like "Blue Horse" as much as "Chinatown."


I've needed some new music for a little while know, and my needs have been fulfilled.

On a side note, I have not been faithful to my blog. And I apologize. I have a lot happening right now, and I will try and keep all of you updated as things progress.

"The littlest birds sing the prettiest songs..."


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