Dec 16, 2005

Oh the fun is coming!

Well, I wrote my last exam on Tuesday afternoon, and I have absolutely no idea how well I did, but at least it is over. It was my German exam, and so things are a little hard to gauge, but I am reasonably sure I passed by a fair margin.

On Sunday night, I had the UVSS Christmas Party at Felicita's. It was pretty cool, definitely a laid-back affair. I got absolutely wasted on beer though, and that is NOT a good thing to do. But it felt really good to get out and temporarily escape the heavy thoughts about Keenan. On that note, I haven't heard anything further yet, but I am assuming that no news is good news. He should be getting out of the ICU at any point in here.

Now that I have had my last exam, I am feeling like I can really get into the Christmas spirit. I am listening to more christmas music, and am thinking about decorating my room (which consists of one strand of lights, but hey, you gotta start somewhere). I am going over the parents' place on Thursday to put up the tree, and I am really looking forward to that.

But the crown jewel in my weekend is Saturday night. I am off to Nanaimo for a 50s retro ultra-lounge christmas martini cocktail party. I plan to have the best of times, and am counting the days. I work one shift tonight, then off to Nanaimo for the party, which is gonna be great, simply because Chloe is coming! YAY! I haven't seen Chloe since the summer, and I miss her.

I am going to get my laundry out of the dryer and do an insane amount of ironing, but I promise to post pictures of the party as soon as they are ready.

Have a great weekend everyone!



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