Feb 25, 2006

lack of activity

Rachel was right, there has been a lack of activity around here lately. I had a crazy, crazy week before reading break. I did indeed write the midterm that I had stopped caring about, and it was indeed something i should have been caring about. The exam was uber specific, so I don't know how I did. I also wrote my History midterm, with what I am sure are to be good results. The Prof scared the bejesus out of the class with the proposed content on the exam, but it ended up being 10 multiple-choice and an essay question, so it went really well.

On Sunday I headed up to Nanaimo to hang out with Liz and Chris, and did absolutely nothing. Lindsay drove up the island with me, and we hung out in the afternoon before dropping her off at the ferry back to Vancouver. I came back down on Wednesday, worked, and then went to Vancouver with Keenan on Thursday. We took care of some business, and then hung out for the rest of the day. We went to Mountain Equipment Co-op and I got a man-purse (they call it a travel satchel) and a new mug for work. We hit Metrotown and IKEA in the afternoon after having lunch with Lindsay, had dinner and went to the ferry. All in all, it was a great day, good to hang out with a friend on a little mini-holiday.

But I gotta stop blogging and get back to work! I have a research paper due next Monday and I haven't started at all!


Cannon's Cabin 1:42 PM  

I KNEW you were up to something!! Well, I'm glad YOU have a life. BTW, what color is your "travel satchel"? Does it match your shoes? Can it be dressed up/down? These are important questions...

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