Feb 1, 2006

here i am

here i am, after cleaning the bathroom at my parents. I am tired, and my arm is sore from scrubbing. Matthew isn't able to clean the bathroom anymore due to his back, so no one does it.

Which reinforces the fact that I could never move home until they got a cleaning lady and kept her. Sad, but true.

No movement on the mould front. I want to go back to my house. This is day three at the parents, and I am going a little stir crazy here right now. I want my bed, my music, my books, my notes, my life, my food, and I really miss socializing with the roomies in the evening. Much as I love the family, everything in my family is always so sensational, and it can be trying sometimes. I am going to call the landlady tonight and give her and update (she is back from New York) so we can get this issue resolved. I like living where I am, and I want to resume that.

Now that the schock has worn off, I think I can approach this from a more level-headed space than before. I knew about mould on the windows and the bathroom ceiling, and I could handle that. Single-pane wood-fram windows do get extremely wet and mould as a result, and the bathroom fan isn't great, so the ceiling gets mouldy (Crystal graciously cleans it) but I wasn't awaere to what extent there was mould in the house. Samara had a small run-in with mould behind her bookcase, but that was one time. What got me was the shock of finding it, and finding it all over my stuff. That was really upsetting.

But on to greener pastures. I went to the BC Archives yesterday and found the public inquiry I was looking for, and Greek and Roman studies was cancelled today, so I got home early, so all is pretty good. Chicken for dinner, and then on with the evening!


The Steadfast Warrior 9:18 AM  

Mould... yuck! Good thing I didn't read this yesterday, my stomach may not have handled it well. I hope for your sake (and your roomates) that it gets fixed soon!

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