Jan 30, 2006

i feel like a bag of all-sorts

meaning i feel out of sorts, sort of. I found a LOT of mould in my closet today, and it was disgusting. Anywhere that something was touching an exterior wall, it moulded. About 12 of my ties are at the drycleaner now (covered in mould, that may not come off), along with 3 sweaters, including lambs wool from my late grandpa and my dad, that are worth a lot. I hope that they come clean. Not too mention the dry cleaning bill...

Most of my uniform is mouldy, except the shirts, all of my bedding (except what was on the bed), along with all of my expensive microfiber shirts I wear in the summer, as well as my rowing gear. My goosedown slippers are ruined, and I had a throwcushion that was actually green with mould on it, not just spotty.

Part of me feels like I am over-reacting. But I have respiratory allergies anyways, and so I am not going to subject my lungs to the mould unneccessarily. I have been having "allergies" all winter, and I was just chalking them up to odd weather we have been having this season, but maybe it was the mould all along. And the mould was/is gross. I called the landlady, who is in New York, and she told me to call someone in to look at the mould and see what needs to be done to fix the problem, and to let her know. She also wants the roomies to look for mould. Mould removal is expensive. Sure, you can wash it off the surface, but it is still in the wall itself. I am worried that the landlady is getting in for an expensive repair, but one that has to be done nonetheless.

In the meantime, I have uprooted a compact version of my life and am residing at the parents place for now, washing the mould out of what washes, and waiting to hear from the mould man. But the guest bed is not MY bed, and it actually takes longer to get to UVic from here (3 kms away) than it does from my house. I dunno what to do...

Oh well, in the meantime, beddy bye for Dave. Below are a couple of pictures for your delectation...

Mouldy shelf! Mouldy wet wall!

Mouldy ties!


Cannon's Cabin 4:39 PM  

EWWW! Gross!! And dangerous-scary!! Sounds like you're gonna have to move, huh? Well, good luck!

Dave 7:03 PM  

hopefully not move. I'd rather not, I like where I am. But it definetly needs to be fixed.

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