Jan 10, 2006

one down, twelve to go...

So, first week of classes is over. My professional writing course is going to be a snap. Today, the prof couldn't show up, so he sent a TA instead to supervise an in-class assignment. The task? Write a memorandum on how to write a cover letter. Then leave.

It wasn't difficult. And he cancelled class for tomorrow. So I can SLEEP IN!! YAY!

Tomorrow is going to be a great day. The 8.30am class is cancelled, and German (at 11.30) is only an orientation in the CALL Facility, which is moronically simple, and then I have Greek and Roman studies at 12.30, then done for the day.

I shut down my wireless network, aand now have a 50ft cable running into the kitchen for network access. It aint pretty, but it does the job. The wireless network kept booting my computer off the network, usually in the middle of downloading my latest purchase from iTunes, and then wouldn't let me back on. Several times a day. I bought a new wireless router to replace the old one, but that didn't work either, same problem. And before you all say that it is my computer causing the problem, it uses other wireless networks without a hiccup.

Technology: they say that it is great, and that it is supposed to help us, but there are times when I doubt that.


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