Jan 27, 2006

i don't heart junk mail

I am so sick of junk mail in my mailbox. I got the most ridiculous subject line today:

"If your penis looks like an old shrivelled banana under the bedsheets, use Super Viagra!!"

I want these people to fuck off! Get out of my mailbox!

On any given day, I get approximately 50 junk mails, to an account that I never give out on the web. It is bloody ridiculous. They should do some market research before sending these things to 22 year old men.

Even if my penis DID look like a shrivelled banana under the bedsheets (which incidentally, it doesn't) I wouldn't consult my junk mail box for advice, I would go to a DOCTOR!!


On a positive note, at least the junk mail filter in Outlook is good enough to catch every, single one of these emails and divert them out of my inbox. Thank god. I just hate deleting these things.

GAH! AGH! and an ARGH! for good measure!


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