Jun 22, 2006

long time no blog

So, as usual, it has been a long time since my last entry. Here we go in a nutshell:

We had our Corporate Challenge Regatta on June 3rd: My team took the championship in our division (Challenger Quad). It was a lot of fun, Claire dropped by to watch, and a great time was had by all at the party afterward.

I bought my ticket to go to London/Exeter/Berlin/Munich/wherever Tara will be living in February. Quite exciting, now that I actually have the ticket. Although I have some supreme jealousy. Liz and Chris are going to Europe for three weeks this August. I hope they have a good time, but they better bring me something!

I am settling into a routine at the new house. We are coming up on two months now, and so far there haven't been any roommate clashes, so we are doing pretty well, considering that there are 6 people living in the house.

I had the Father's Day from hell. Mom mad at Matthew, Liz and Chris trying to get back up the island to take care of their pug, and mom angry at me for having the gall to make breakfast plans, even though we agreed that I would go to their house at 12:30pm, so suck it up Mom. But Chris' parents came as well, we had a barbeque (although we ate indoors), and it ended up pretty well. I also found out that my Mom is certain that I was molested by the janitor at my elementary school, who was arrested on molestation charges last year. I found this out from my siblings. Thanks a bundle, mom.

Work is work. I am not really enjoying it this year. They are cracking down on expenses, and management is riding everybody really hard. My director has me terrified to take a lunch break or 10 minutes to have a glass of water, cause he always comes down to check on the outlet when i am on my break, and has this impression that I am never there. Add to that chronic understaffing, and it is a pretty stressful place.

What else...

I had breakfast with Mera on Sunday at DeDutch. It was good, but not quite what we were looking for. But Mera treated, and we had a good time.

I think that is everything I can come up with at the moment. I'll post some pictures later!


The Steadfast Warrior 3:46 PM  

SOunds like a lovely day at the family home. Bet you needed a coffee and venting drive about then. :)

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