Jul 26, 2009


So I have said goodbye to Starbucks. It's a been a great haul, but I had an opportunity come up at the college that I simply could not say no to.

You are looking at the new Administrative Office Assistant in the Office of the Vice-President, Academic. It's a mouthful, I know. But the pay is more than double what I get at Starbucks, the hours are far more agreeable (I make my own hours) and far more compatible with school. I am in a term appointment, which means that I am secure until the end of the current fiscal year (March 31, 2009). 21 hours/week. It's great. And if they like me, and the budget allows it, I could continue beyond that. And if it doesn't, it's not that bad. I am now a proper employee of VIU, not a student employee, meaning that I am passed the closed-shop unionized hiring procedures.

I am going to miss the camaraderie at Starbucks, but not the job really. I think I burned out waiting for the supervisory position to become a reality, clinging onto a hope that I didn't know and couldn't compute. So I was hoping on my own terms, and unfortunately, when you are dealing with a company as large as Starbucks, one can't afford to do that. It just leads to disappointment. I have already told some of the regulars, and they are all saying how disappointed they are to see me go, but very happy that I am moving forward. In fact, one of our regulars (Grande Americano one shot half & half stirred) got chatting with me... her sister works for the Georgia Strait, so I have an 'in' in the Communications world when I am done. Her sister said to give her a call if I am looking to intern and they would see if anything could be arranged. I really should get that regulars' card...

In other news, with my job comes a newly-insured car. That's right, Ruby is back on the road. Since my monthly income has almost doubled, I am taking that luxury back into being. It will remove so much stress from my life: no more shopping at "Quality Foods" (aka Shitty Foods), no more hours spent on the bus getting to the mall just to get dry cleaning, no more missed work to take time for doctor's appointments, and the freedom to do things like take off to the park, or the waterfront, or somewhere else without it being an expedition. Lindsay just had her baby shower, and it KILLED me that I couldn't make it to Victoria to be there because of a stupid shift I couldn't get rid of and the expense and time involved in a round-trip Greyhound ticket.

So that is the latest from Dave. Roger is in Minnesota visiting his family before he starts school mid-August, so with the time difference and family obligations our contact is more fleeting than it has been, which is a definite adjustment, but one that we are both becoming acclimatized to. It will take time, but it can be done. Change, no matter what part of your life it takes place in, always requires adjustment. And if there is one thing that I know about myself, it's that I like things to be the way they are. No change. I always adapt, but the adaptation always takes me a bit longer.

In any case, I am going to try and have a productive morning before heading off to Starbucks this afternoon. We've got a new roommate moving in sometime soon, so I need to clear space in the kitchen and things. Busy busy!

And I'm out.


The Steadfast Warrior 9:12 PM  

Yay for the new job! And YES, get that business card!!!!! Trust me on that one!

I know how much you wanted to be at the shower but I would never hold it against you, you know that. Yay for the return of ruby! May she bring freedom and peace of mind.

Does this mean you'll come visit me? ;)

Miriam 1:45 AM  

I'd like to second the yays from the steadfast warrior. Congrats, Dave. Good for you, that you were plotting a career change from barrista to nAOAitOotV-P, A.

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