Dec 9, 2004

A week worth pondering

You know what?

This week in Victoria has been a really good experience for me. I have had a lot of time to do some thinking, and I came to the realization that I am far happier here then in Nanaimo. I really miss the people here, my friends, and my family (inasmuch as they drive me around the bend!)

Don't get me wrong! I have met some cool people while I have been school, and you know who you are, but I am just not having fun at school. I know that every parent out there (at least mine)would say that there are times in your life when what you like doesn't matter, and what you need to do takes precedence over everything. However, I think that at the age of 21, I have gone past that point. I have lived on my own for almost two years, been responsible for my own finances, bought a car, and established a great reputation with a fantastic employer.

I want to go back to work. I am born to work with the public. My employer wants me back, I want to go back, so I think I will. I'll see this year through to the end, and then I think I will establish myself in Victoria.

I have never felt very sure about any decision I have made in my life, but I figure that you have got to go with your gut most of the time, and my gut tells me to go to work. Maybe I'll do some online courses, or upgrade and take evening classes at Royal Roads University, but I want to get started in life. The idea of spending the next four years of my life in a degree program that I am not dedicated to does not sound appealing. Never mind the thousands of dollars in tuition!

I think it is because I like a lot of structure in my life. I like going to work, 8-4:30pm, then going home, and having my day be complete. My evening belongs to me, not to a research paper or midterm.

Who knows, maybe my gut will change between now and the end of the school year, but we'll see.

And I'm out for now.


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