Dec 27, 2004

Cheated this yuletide season

I feel cheated right now. I didn't really get a "Christmas" this year, because I chose to work. I also worked late on Christmas Eve, and worked a whole day yesterday. After running myself ragged this past week, my body has finally succumbed to sickness. My head hurts, I think my sinuses are infected again, the thought of food makes me want to gag, I am hot/cold all the time, and I am very sore.

And just before my two days off! I was hoping to see my friends, and actually have a bit of a holiday on these two coming days.

I bought myself a cocktail of over-the-counter medications and called in sick to work today (which I never, EVER, do!) and will lay low. Perhaps the Advil Cold & Sinus, the Gravol and the Unisom will see me better in the morning. Otherwise, I am going to have start cancelling my plans for the coming days.

Why? Why me? Why now, of all times?! It's the calling in sick that bugs me the most. In five years of working at The Gardens, I have only called in sick once before.

Anyways, I'm off to have a long nap and watch stupid daytime TV until my eyes are square!


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