Dec 22, 2004

Weird blogs

Lately I have been spending time just looking at random blogs of people I don't know. Sometimes I just click off the blogs of people I know, or I will just look for a new one. Some a really interesting. Blogging is really in innovative medium. There are people like my friend Mera, who post interesting tidbits quite frequently, and people like Tara, who post tidbits, quotes, and frequently post interesting question.

But I have stumbled across a new blog in the last couple of months. It isn't updated very frequently, and is certainly tawdry. The blog is operated by a man who is cheating on his wife while away on extended business trips, and then blogging his experiences. I don't really know what I think of it, a lot of comments are from people who think he should tell his wife. But despite my little moral and ethical voice telling me to not read it, I do check it fairly frequently, which is strange. It is kinda like watching a train wreck in slow motion, because you know that one day he will be found out. Or as one commenter pointed out, perhaps his wife is at home getting banged by the milkman...

Anyways, I just thought that I would throw this blog out there as an interesting read. Let me know what you think of the moral and ethical implications.

Click here to read the blog for yourself.

Don;t get me wrong, I am not on a quest to shut this guy down or anything, after all it is his life. I guess I am just curious as to what people's reactions are.

I'm a weirdo.


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