Jul 4, 2005

Door step thoughts...

So I raced up to Nanaimo after work today to help my sister paint her new townhouse…

And neither she nor her husband is home right now.

And they knew I was coming.

I’ve been sitting here for almost half an hour now, and people are looking at the freak using his laptop on someone’s doorstep with strange looks.

I might as well check my email, why not?

I went to the parents last night for dinner, and had a pretty good time. Milton was as lovable as ever, and so cute! But good GOD was he gassy! When a 200 pound dog farts, he can clear a room. Well, I’m surprised that the neighbours weren’t complaining. It was hard to breath!

But I watched Mary Poppins last night, a film I haven’t seen in ages. I forgot how good it was! Especially when you look at the special effects, considering it was 1964.

Anyways, I’m gonna try and raise Liz and Chris on their cell phone.

They better have beer when they get here.



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