Jul 1, 2005

Long-due update

I have been having crazy weeks lately. My shifts have been mostly evenings (1:30pm – 10pm) so I never feel like doing very much when I get home, for obvious reasons. And in the mornings, I sleep in. So hence very little blogging has been happening.

Anyways, in regards to my latest post, yes I have been accepted at Uvic, and just registered for my courses earlier this week. It is a very long and complicated story, but I will attempt to describe it here.

You all know that I moved back to Victoria after my one year in Nanaimo for financial and sanity reasons, and that I planned to attend Camosun College while here. Well, I found out that Camosun messed up on my registration and my program filled before I registered. So then I thought “Well, I just get into a different program that will contribute to my overall educational goals and bide my time.”

But that didn’t work either.

Since I never graduated from high school (I am missing Math 11) I can’t get into the programs I need to, and the only program I could get into were mostly continuing-ed based and wouldn’t qualify for student loan support.

So I raced up to UVic and put in a late application, and was accepted. I am really looking forward to going there this fall. Both close friends and family have been burned by the insane beurocracy (sp?) at UVic, but I need a school to go to, and the courses I am registered in look pretty neat. Greek and Roman Studies, Philosophy, History of Technology, a couple of English Courses, and a language (I am registered in Italian, but I might switch to German).

We just had a death in the family this past weekend. My Aunt Louisa in Halifax passed away at the grand age of 92. She is quite possibly the sweetest lady I have ever met, always concerned with the comfort of her guests, not afraid to step on toes to make things right, and always ready to have fun at a moments notice. The world needs more people like her. I last saw her in the summer of 2001, but have kept in touch (sporadically, I’m afraid to say) since via letter, phone and taped messages. By her own admission, she was ready to go. May she rest soundly.

Anyways, I have to go clean my room (still not completely unpacked. Chalk that one up to laziness) Lindsay and Chloe, I’m coming to Van the evening of July 11 – 13, I’ll get in touch with you.

In the meantime, enjoy some pics of my doggie, Milton. ‘Aint he cute?!


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