Aug 23, 2005

Further update...

As I said in my message below, I have had a lot going on over the past little while, but I didn’t really feel much like blogging. For me, blogging has taken a back seat to the rest of my life. This blog was initially started as a way to communicate with my friends while I was going to school in Nanaimo. Since I moved back to Victoria, the need for a blog has diminished. I also believe that another contributing factor is that my communication has improved. I live with two great people that have both had a positive effect on my life. I worry less, and I talk more. But in any case, on to the news.

I have been living with Samara and Crystal for almost four months, and really feel like I am at home now and even more so since I painted my room. I am more relaxed than I have been in quite some time. On the work front, I am no longer doing my Systems Specialist job. Instead, I am now supervising in the Dining Room two days a week, and I am still in the Gelateria the other three days. it has been working out pretty well. Being a supervisor definitely has its stresses, but it also has its rewards.

School is starting soon, on September 7. It looms ever closer. Student loans, papers and projects. All are in my near future. I’m sort of excited to go back, but a little apprehensive at the same time.

And as a final thought, what the hell is with gas prices right now? 111.9? That is freaking highway robbery! And it really taking place on a highway.

There, that’s my rant for the day.


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