Sep 10, 2005

School has begun!

What a crazy week.

The first week of school is always exhausting, I’ve found. It is stressful finding your way, learning the rules, buying books, and other such things. Especially for me, with a new campus and a new school this year. I am still amazed at the sheer size of UVic, and the number of student running around. It’s crazy!

One thing I am not used to is the lecture concept. At Mal-U, we had classrooms with desks or large tables in them. You could spread out, have your notebook AND two texts out to work with. At UVic, there are only those stupid little chairs with an oversized armrest that is trying to pass itself off as a table, that isn’t even large enough for one notebook. There is nothing better than almost spilling 7-Up all over yourself while trying to use your German text and take notes at the same time. Also, it is impossible to get comfy in those chairs. It just doesn’t happen!

I am taking four courses this term. We are only in the second class of German, but so far, it is my favourite. Greek and Roman Studies is a huge class (150 people!) and a lot of reading and note taking. But it’s gonna be an easy course. English 207 is pretty cool, as it is all about popular culture and how it influences us, our decisions, our perceptions, and the like. English 201 is a traditional English course. We are reading a lot of novels, and doing panel discussions of them. But the really good news? In the four courses I am taking, I don’t have a single research paper this term! YAY!

Anyways, I gotta go, clean my room and clear space to study. Oh, and I have to play with my new iPod.



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