Sep 20, 2005

Quiet moments between classes

Here I sit, in the lobby of the Human & Social Development Building, waiting for class to begin. Greek and Roman Studies is not one of the most exciting courses, however I just discovered something today that makes it a little more interesting.

As I have mentioned, we have been reading The Iliad by Homer, and I have been finding it to be a bit of a snore, and difficult to get into. Well, on a whim today I went to the Library after my German class, and took out a copy that had not been translated into prose. It is so much easier to read! Call me weird, but trying to read the prose translation is really tough, but the regular translation just seems to make more sense to me. And since this is one of the epic poems, I can get away with using any version of the text that I like.

So anyways, the class is getting a little better. After GRS today, I have more Heart of Darkness to read for English before my next class. At least Heart of Darkness will be over with after today’s class. Yay!

I might be going to Nanaimo this weekend. I’m really looking forward to it, I haven’t seen Liz or Chris in a little while, and it would be nice to get away before midterms roll around (in three weeks!) and I am just plain tired. The Gelateria at work closed on Sunday, and so I have been busy cleaning up and shutting down, and starting to think about next year.

But I gotta go; people are looking at me strangely as I sit here on my laptop. I dunno what the problem is, the keyboard is almost silent! I’m probably just reading too much into it.



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