Mar 9, 2007


So, I feel kinda like I've checked out a bit. I have a lot of good in my life right now, and a lot of promising perspectives. But I don't know why I feel so detached from all of it. I really don't like where I live. The house smells, and we ran out of heating oil, so the house is always cold, and smells really dank. I never see my roommates, no body ever cleans, and I am tired of living with people. I haven't prepared a meal in months. No joke. The fanciest thing I have produced in my kitchen is tea. But I also don't feel much like doing anything about either, since we are all moving out at the end of April.

I have to find a place for May 1. Which seems like a really daunting prospect. I don't even really want to get together with friends. Everything feels like an effort. Since I got back from my trip I have been so exhausted all the time. It is starting to worry me, that I am so tired all the time. I'm told that it can actually take your body a couple of weeks to get over the westward time difference, but I dunno.

Blah. I just feel a little bit blah.

But like I said, I have a lot of good. I really like my new job, and am finding it pretty rewarding. Definitely a steep learning curve, but enjoying it nonetheless. Eric and I are getting along famously, and just celebrated 2 months together this past week (no small feat for me, conidering I have never been in a relationship).

Anyways, I'm just ranting. Things will look up. Maybe some sunshine would help. Cause good lord, I am SICK and tired of it being grey here all the time. It really blows balls.

I think I'll go to Nanaimo this weekend and chill at the sister's place. I dunno.

i'm out...


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