Mar 30, 2007

life just keeps rollin'

I had a really bad day at work today. I mean, like, crawl under a bush and die kind of day. But all ended okay, and I headed off to the Brentwood Bay Lodge for a drink with Dave, which was great. Both of our work days were less than stellar, so it was nice to have a couple of pints to relax. Then I spent 30 minutes arguing with VISA about my card... and got treated like garbage by the rep. Long story.

I was feeling a little pissed at this point. Bailed on my parents, and headed back to Eric's house (he's away in Van for the next 3 months). I thought that I would take it easy, do some tidying, laundry, and assemble the bookshelf he bought at Walmart.

Trust Walmart to sell a book case where the screws strip the allen key. What the fuck is that? So now there is a half-assembled (not even) bookcase sitting on the living room floor, and I am angry!!!!

And drinking beer. Beer solves all problems... which is mildly concerning. I miss Eric...

I want him to come home.

But life, keeps on rollin'


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