Mar 31, 2007

organic cotton

So, I am feeling a little bit better this morning. I think the fact that we are finally getting some sunshine is helping loads. I am so tired of dreary days. I mean, it is cloudy today, but at least it isn't dark. I got so sick and tired of it being dark all the time. So yay for good weather!

For the first time, about a week ago, I was able to open the sunroof on my car. A true sign of warmer weather. And higher spirits. But allergies, good lord! 'Tis the season. My hayfever has been going nuts for about 10 days. It is pretty annoying. Having to stop and sneeze when driving because you can't stop sneezing is pretty annoying.

But I love having fulltime work. I have to watch my expenses, but not as tightly as before. And I can try and save some money too. I am thinking about purchasing property in two years, and so I need to be responsible AND take care of my student loan debt.

I went to MEC the other day and bought some great new polo shirts. They have released a line of organic cotton clothing. I know, we've all seen it before, but it is pretty cool that MEC has priced it so that they are accessible. Organic cotton Polo shirts for $19? Tshirts for $12? That is pretty darn good for ANY shirt, never mind organic. Not mention, I really enjoy the colours. :-)

I have been trying to be a little more aware of my 'cunsumptiveness' with regard to the environment. That being said, I drive to work everyday in a single-occupant vehicle. I could take the bus, but I am LAZY. I would have to get up much earlier to catch the bus, and my laziness/desire to sleep overrides my environmental sensibilities. But I do what I can.

Speaking of the environment, in the last week I have watched An Inconvenient Truth and Who killed the Electric Car? Both are excellent films, and I would reccommend them both to everyone. An Inconvenient Truth is by far the most depressing of the two, but who every claimed that climate change was supposed to be uplifting?

And those are my thoughts for the day.


The Steadfast Warrior 9:53 PM  

Remind me to tell you about my exploits in the world of textile recycling at work...

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