Sep 30, 2009

if i only knew why

So I got the first assignment of the term back. It was my Learning Contract for my digital media course, and I guess I really missed the boat.

I got a C+.

Not the best way to start the term, you say? I would be inclined to agree. I am also frustrated by the comments "Dave, this is good re: assignments, but it is missing the other elements I asked for." Umm... what elements?

One sentence does not justify a C+. Sorry, that just doesn't computer in my books. I went to the slides from that lecture, and there is nothing about elements, and in fact says "There is no fixed format for a learning contract."

Needless to say, I am lost. I am going to make an appointment with the prof, to find out where I went wrong. I may have gapped and missed something completely (it's rare, but has happened before) or else the criteria were unclear, in which case I want a chance to up my grade, or else detailed comments.

I can handle a C+, but I need to know why.

And I'm out.


The Steadfast Warrior 2:37 PM  

Did you have a chance to ask yet? It sucks to get grades like that with no clear reason. Hope there's a reasonable explanation and you have the chance to make it better. Hang in there, it may be your first grade but it's not your last.

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