Sep 28, 2009


So i am in the midst of BUTT-loads of schoolwork. Handed in a two-part 2500-word paper on Friday, another assignment for today, wrote a 1500 word paper on Saturday (for Tuesday) and have to write a 1000-word scene analysis for tomorrow. Lots to do.

But the real conundrum is this. I cut caffeinated coffee out of my diet in the last week of April. I still get the occasional bit of caffeine of course, but have drastically reduced it. It's a good thing, right? I've also been getting 7 hours of a sleep a night, more often 8, trying to to stay ahead of the curve and not exhaust myself, right?

So why the blazes am I falling asleep in an 11.30am class? I even ate a healthy, energy-filled lunch right before class. Sandwich on whole grain bread, banana, granola bar, red grapes, and water...

I'm very puzzled. Anyone have any ideas on how to combat this?


The Steadfast Warrior 3:12 PM  

More water? I'm not sure. Sometimes, even mild dehydration can cause fatigue. Also keep in mind that eating can make you tired because your body is focusing on digestion rather than mental focus. Maybe have a small bit of protein before class and save the carbs for after?

I'm on decaf these days so as to not have this child come out an addict. ;) The withdrawal was fine since I get to sleep in these days.

Good luck with your papers! Miss you and hope to talk soon.

Claire 7:16 PM  

I think we all feel this way at this time of the year. It's part of settling into a new routine. But, if you're really worried, you could get your thyroid levels checked?

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