Jan 30, 2007

more info

Okay, for those of you who were not in the know on things, the aforementioned position that I got hired for today was:

Administrative Assistant to the Director of PR at Butchart Gardens.

Yes, it is a full time position. Yes, I have had to drop out of school. Well, not completely. I have dropped three of the four courses that I was taking. The schedule at this job is such that I can continue with my English 401 Web Design course.

I am not quitting school. I want to make that clear. What I am doing is restructuring my education. Right now, I am a third-year English student with two years left, and $25,000 in debt. And so, I have decided to get a job and PAY my way through the rest of my degree with real money, not student loans. Yes, it will take a little longer, but this was an opportunity that I could not refuse. So I took it.

And that is all. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with a financial advisor to determine the best bet for my pension benefits, and then I am off for a fantastic haircut. To that end, I am posting a 'before' picture tonight. I will post an 'after' picture tomorrow... And yes I know I look like a creeper...


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