Feb 10, 2007

here i go...

I am enjoying my last two days off before I leave for my trip. Today is Saturday, and I leave on Wednesday! I am getting very excited. But my goodness, I have had a lot of work to do in the meantime.

Every time I do something to get ready for the trip, I am reminded of just how close it actually is. Today, I went to the bank and bought some pounds sterling so that I have a little cash when I land in London. I asked for £50, and it cost me $116 Canadian! But I am trying not to think about the expense of the UK, I'll worry about the VISA bill when I get back.

But yes, preparations abound. I need to make arrangements to get to the ferry terminal on Wednesday, go to my parents to get the suitcase I am using, I need to do laundry, get my carry-on bag prepped with the bare essentials (apparently British Airways has been losing a lot of luggage lately...) I have so much to get done!

But it will all happen. Speaking of which, I need to go. I'll try and post another update before I leave!

and I'm out...


The Steadfast Warrior 9:39 AM  

I can't wait until I get the chance to leave the continent. April 2008 seems a long ways away...

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