Jan 27, 2005

I survived!

I did it! I made it through a night audit shift at the hotel this morning. 12:30-2:45am. It went alot faster than last time, which took until 5:00am. Probably because I was actually contributing, instead of just watching, which made things go much faster. Because I am just that good.

Yes. Yes I am.

I don't know what I think of the night shift thing. On Wednesday I was dead to the world for most of the day from working the night audit, and I ended up skipping about half of my night class outy of exhaustion. But today, I was out of bed at about 10am, and am pretty with it. I will probably have a nap before I drive down to Victoria this afternoon, but all in all I am felling pretty good. We'll see, I'll just have to take it as it comes.

I went out for lunch yesterday with Chloe. Actually, she treated me. What a sweetheart. We had a really great chat, over burgers at White Spot. You know when you have one of those cravings for a big, disgusting, juicy burger? Well, we were both in that mood, and we both left sufficiently satisfied.

I spent WAY to much time at the mall yesterday with Chloe, Liz and Chris. Liz needed glasses, Chloe needed luggage to reduce her gongshow-ness while travelling, and I was looking for bedding for my new bed, which arrives on Monday.

I also have been spending way to much money on music lately. I have discovered iTunes, Apple's answer to Media Player. The built in Music Store is evil, constantly suggesting music for me to purchase, and it turns out that it is exactly something I like. Currently, I am addicted to Franz Ferdinand.

Anyways, I gotta go work on my Media Studies stuff, so I'm out for now.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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