Jan 6, 2005

"If you see a hill, don't go up it"

That is a direct quote from Sarah Daniels, the Traffic Reporter on Global's Morning News. Apparently the traffic in Vancouver is just stupid this morning because of the snow. But I don't understand.

Growing up on the west coast, I never have had much experience driving in the snow. But I do know one thing; Go cautiously and keep your speed low enough that your steering wheel still works. What I don't understand is the absolute mayhem that snow causes out here. People still trying to push the speed limit. Geez folks, leave a few extra minutes to get where you are going safely.

Now I have to drive down to Victoria this afternoon with my sister, and we will be going very cautiously. But I'm not worried about the roads. I am worried about the other drivers. The Island Highway has a concrete divider almost the entire way there, except on the Malahat, which is by far the most trecherous portion of the drive. Luckily, we can take the Mill Bay Ferry. It costs money, but I would rather do that then have some idiot cross the yellow line and smack into us.

But enough about driving. Here I sit in my apartment, with a cup of coffee, watching the snow fall outside and listening to a mix of Norah Jones/Sarah Harmer. My online courses are down right now, so all I can do is curl up with my novel for English (The Shipping News) and sip my coffee.

Not too bad, eh?

Have a great weekend everyone. I start my new job at the Gardens tomorrow, and I am looking forward to it a lot. Group Services, here I come!


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