Dec 31, 2008

end of the year musings

So here we stand on the cusp of a new year, and along with many, I am sure that I cannot put 2008 behind me fast enough. Not in a "throw it all away and forget it ever happened" way, but in a "I am done with that now" way. We can only grow from our experiences, and as the old cliche goes, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

I am excited for 2009, for fairly mundane reasons:

  • I am reducing my course load and taking longer to finish. Not by much, just an extra semester, but I cannot maintain the stress levels that I had last semester, and in fact, all of last year.
  • I am going to do fun things, but not things that cost me a lot of money, cause there won't be a lot of that. But there will be more Dave-time.
  • I will resume the hunt for someone to spend time with - loneliness is even harder to deal with when you have had someone special and no longer do. That being said, not rushing into anything, just keeping my eyes open.
  • I will endeavour to disconnect further from the machinations of my family. I love them all dearly, but I simply cannot emotionally invest myself in their lives any longer.
  • I will read more extra-curricular books.
  • I will sleep more.
This year saw a lot of bad, and unfortunately, I recall writing a similar post in 2007. 2007 was a scary year for health, and 2008 was a scary year for my sanity. But there was a lot of good in 2008 as well, which is a fact I must be cognizant of in the coming months.

So let's all raise a glass, to 2009, to a new beginning, to the shedding of the old, and to good times ahead!

And, for those of you who need a chuckle this new year's eve...


The Steadfast Warrior 7:23 PM  

Happy New Year my friend!

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