Dec 8, 2008


I got caught up this stupid survey stuff... why am I so gullible.

100. Do you want to be in a relationship? Longingly, but I recognize it needs to be with the right person, not just for its own sake.

99. Do you have a job? I have two jobs. I am a barista at Starbucks, and a Student Project Assistant in the Office of the President at Vancouver Island University.

98. Last 2 cars you were in/ with who? 1) Today, Honda Accord, with my brother in law. 2) the day before, in Andrew's Jeep TJ. Nicest guy ever... turns around and will drive me up the hill to school, even though he was going the opposite direction.

96. Lied in the last 24 hours? Yes. On an exam. Don't worry, I didn't plagiarize.

95. What is your current ring tone? Standard telephone noises.

94. What is the last movie you watched and with who? Running with Scissors, with a bottle of wine and popcorn.

93. Who makes you mad? A great number of people. I tend to repress it and dismiss it though.

92. What is your middle name? Michael James

91. Last text you sent/received? This afternoon.

89. What time did you wake up this morning? 7am

88. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Yes.

87. What are you doing? Procrastinating, and studying. In that order.

86. When's your birthday? September 1st

85. Does it bug you when people delete questions from surveys? Never really noticed...

84. Are you afraid of growing old? It happens.

83. Are you happy right now? Life is what it is, and I can only change so much.

82. What is sitting to your right? My bed.

81. What is your favorite sport to watch? Olympic Hockey

80. Do you have any kids? No.

79. Do you have a favorite stuffed animal? Yes, but he's in a box at my parents.

78. Did you go trick-or-treating this year & with who? Nope.

77. Do you know who Mr. Mistoffelees is? I know who Mephistopheles from Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe is, although I doubt that is the answer sought...

76. What song are you listening to? Just Like Christmas - Low

75. Do you sing in the shower? Rarely.

74. Can you Crank Dat? Clearly.

73. Did you have a valentine this year? Kinda. Met my most recent ex-boyfriend on Valentines.

72. Last time you listened to country music? In a rental car.

71. What do you think of the song Boom, boom, boom by Vengaboys? Never loved it, but it can make cleaning tasks go pretty quickly.

70. Do you laugh at your own jokes? Most of the time.

69. Where do you want to live when you grow up? This question is far to existential for me at the moment.

68. How tall are you? 5'10"

67. How many drugs are in your system? Caffeine, and lots of it.

65. What are you wearing? Jeans, my "I'm a Mac" tshirt, black socks, slippers, and my H&M blck hoodie.

64. Last person to comment you? Debra.

63. Do you sing? Ever been in the car with me?

61. Rock or Rap? Neither.

60. Do you like cheese? Love it.

59. Who called you last? Vancouver 2010 Volunteer Information Centre.

58. Last item you purchased? Greyhound bus ticket.

57. What jewelry do you wear constantly? Nothing.

56. Are you a crazy person? Ask Lindsay.

55. Who was the last person you hugged ? Ummm... Ella.

54. What candidate do you support running for president? I pass on this, for obvious reasons.

53. Are you a fast typer? Average, high end of average. Being a Data Clerk helped.

52. What time is it? 8:37pm

51. What do you smell? Chocolate. From the brownie I just ate.

50. Is anything bothering you right now? The list is too long.

48. What are you doing today/tomorrow? Exam in the morning, work in the afternoon, studying in the evening.

47. What's your favorite subject in school? Media Studies.

46. What's your worst grade that you currently have & what subject is it in? C+ in Victorian Literature.

45. Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? Any reason to celebrate.

44. If you died right now, is there something you'd want to say to someone? Of course.

43. How many friends do you have on myspace? PFT! Who uses myspace? I have 223 on Facebook.

42. Who's one person you cannot stand? Katie.

41. What's your opinion on same sex marriage? Do you really need to ask ME this question?

40. Do you miss anyone right now? Yes.

39. What foreign language do/did you study? German.

38 . Does it take a lot to earn someone's trust? I think it is an organic process that happens differently for all.

36. Describe your life in two words? Stress, alternate-thought.

34. What shampoo do you use? Tresemme, Tresemme, oo-la-la!

33. What do you want right now? Time off, free of thought and commitment.

32. Jeans or sweatpants? Jeans

31. What should you be doing? Certainly not this survey.

29. Do you have socks on? Yes I do. I hate cold feet...

28. Do you own sunglasses? Nope. I don't like them, but I should get a pair out of necessity.

27. Have you ever cried so hard, you made yourself sick? Just to the edge of getting sick.

26. Do you like techno? It depends...

25. Do you get nervous in front of large groups of people? Nope!

24. What was your kindergarten teacher's name? Dr. Whitely

23. Plans for Saturday? Some latte slingin' at S'Bux.

19. Favorite TV shows: Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, The Simpsons, Family Guy

18. Do you like '80s movies? Sometimes, but sometimes they are so fucking pretentious in their 80s-ness.

17. Do you like "The Goonies"? Yes, but not obsessively.

16. What's your favorite food? Chicken strips on rice with ranch dip.

14. Last thing you ate? A brownie.

13. Current problem? Too many to list here. Getting through the next 4 days?

12. Been to London? Technically, twice.

11. Can you lick your toe? No, and I don't want to.

10. Who's the most photogenic person you ever seen ? Joanna Daley.

9. Been to college? University. Still there.

8. Ever been given a breathalyser test? No. I don't drink and drive.

7. Favorite time of day? Clear dawns.

6. Ever licked someone's cheek? Embarassingly, yes.

5. What are you looking forward to? Sunday - Liz is coming for the holidays.

4. Have you ever ran from the police? No.

3. Ever gotten lost in the dark? Yes. It is a discomfiting sensation.

2. What do you think of the last person who posted this? Fun and quirky, and far away.

1. Are you wanting something you can't have? Don't we all? But I know my limits...


The Steadfast Warrior 4:31 PM  

What, you crazy? ;)

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