Nov 15, 2004

Always read the label...

So i was in the bathroom this afternoon, when I noticed a new aerosol can on the counter that hasn't been there previously. It was yellow and orange, had a picture of a flower on it, and said "New Scent: Temptations." So naturally, I thought, "I wonder what this smells like?" I prepared to spray it in the air to see what this new air freshener smelled like.

It's a damn good thing my brain had time to go "Damn, this is a heavy aerosol can for an air freshener!" as well as stop my index finger from moving. It was a narrowly averted disaster. This was no air freshener, this was a new can of shaving cream!

When I realized what I had nearly done, as well as the hilarious image of me spraying shaving cream everywhere with a flourish (as only I can do), I just about killed myself laughing. And my sister nearly died when I explained it to her after emerging almost doubled over with laughter from the bathroom.

Seriously, though. ALWAYS read the name of a product before spraying it in the air.



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