Oct 17, 2004

Fall has arrived

After a scorching couple of days last week, fall has finally arrived. The rain is falling, and Ezzy (my car) is plastered in wet maple leaves from the tree across the street. Now that the leaves have mostly fallen, we have a broader view of the harbour, which is kinda cool. On of my favourite scenes is when I am sitting in our living room, and I happen to look up as the ferry sails past on its way to Duke Point. I don't know why, but I really like that.

I have an English midterm I need to study for tomorrow morning, but I don't feel much like studying today. On days like today I like to curl up with a good book, turn on the heat, and just read with some good music in the background. I even like listening to the electric radiators click on and off. But alas, I will have to settle for curling up with my poetry anthology (gag) and study literary terms. I hate that class.

You are probable wondering why/how my car got it's name. Well, I drive a Civic Hatchback, and it is light green/teal/aqua green, whatever you want to call it. My friend and I thought that it needed a name, and the colour reminded her of Esmerelda, so why not? So now my car has a name: Esmerelda, or Ezzy for short.

So anyways, off to go study!


tara 12:10 PM  

something else to make you gag:

study study study, school's your buddy!

seems to be the theme for most students right about now...

I wanna go to nanaimo and watch the ferry sail by! we're coming, I promise....

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