Oct 13, 2004

What day is it?

My brain is messed up right now. Since Monday was the stat for Thanksgiving, my head is all confused. Tomorrow is Thursday and I get to drive down the island for work on Friday! Where did this week go?

Thanksgiving was fantastic. My sister threw in an extra dish at the last minute, and it was so good but so rich! Imagine a slice of roasted yam, then goat's cheese, roasted garlic and onion, then repeat three more layers like this. They tasted like candy!

But now I am turkey-ed out. We bought a 12 pound bird, and it was WAY more than enough. We stripped the bird of all it's meat and made stock with the turkey bones, but now it is all in the fridge awaiting consumption. So much turkey, so little time.

Anyways, stay tuned for weekend posts. I must go and study. I have my first-ever midterm tomorrow morning.

Pray for me, everyone!


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