Oct 23, 2004

Friends and more...

I was reminded this weekend of a few things. Keep a clean room, live life to the fullest, and always wear clean underwear in case you get hit by a bus.

One of my closest friends called me on Thursday and announced that he was back in town (Victoria) and that we should get together. He lived out of town for about a year and a half, and I haven't seen him since January.

So I gave him a call, and asked him what he was doing in Victoria. Had he transferred? Holiday time? Did he get fired? Sadly, it was none of those options.

"No dude, I'm dying." Well, talk about being hit by the proverbial bus. I was astounded. I thought he was actually pulling my leg. But unfortunately, he wasn't.

My best friend is dying of liver failure. He had a liver transplant when he was five, and his body is rejecting the liver now, 16 years later. It is 95% dead. He is back on the Emergency Transplant List.

Now, he is on NINE pills just to stabilize his liver. He is constantly exhausted, and had to catch his breath after going upstairs in his house. He has the shakes, and he moves like an old man. Finally, he is jaundiced, which is a yellowing of the skin and the white of the eye, which is now bright yellow.

First and foremost, he is my friend, despite appearances. My goal now is to keep him comfortable with his situation, and to make sure he doesn't go insane. He is reluctant to go out.

Anyways, I'm gonna have to suck up my own emotions and be the supportive one now.

Keep him in your thoughts.


Anonymous 9:31 PM  
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