Oct 3, 2004

Sometimes you just gotta shake it...

My, what a busy weekend! I'm exhausted, but I had a lot of fun.

My co-worker and friend Jen got married on Saturday, and the reception afterward was fantastic. I have haven't danced that much or had soo much fun in a long time. And I have the pictures to prove it. ;-)

I had dinner and a chat with hy good friend Sam, and got a pretty darned good essay written on short order with her assistance.

Finally, I did something really reckless today. I picked up a hitchhiker on my way to Nanaimo. I don't know why, he looked totally normal, and we had a perfectly respectable conversation. I probably won't ever do it again, but it was kinda a thrill in a bizarre way. I think I didn't feel threatened because he was about my age. I dunno.

Anyways, I shall try and stay on top of my posting this week, after letting all of you down last week. I know that everyone's world revolves around my blog.

In the words of my boss:



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