Sep 13, 2004

Coffee, coziness, and rain

What a scholarly morning! I had my first Media Studies lab, and am off to a good start. All we had to do was create our Mal-U student accounts, create an email account and send an email to our instructor. Well, I already had my student account created, and I already have a Hotmail address, so I all I had to do was send an email to the instructor. In and out in 25 minutes.

But here I sit in my bedroom, the rain falling on the roof and blowing against my window, I have a cup of coffee, and the apartment is really cozy. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I have English in an hour, and I don't want to leave the apartment! Not that I don't like English, I just like staring at and listening to the rain. Not to mention the drivers who keep sliding out of control on the sharp corner below my window. Does that make me sadistic?

Anyways, I am going to go back to enjoying the rain (and the accidents! *insert evil laugh here*)


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