Sep 19, 2004

Sickness, wiperblades, and dinner out

It has been far too long since my last update. I did travel down to Victoria this past weekend, but my brother was so violently ill that I couldn't stay at my parents place. I stayed with friends on Thursday (thanks Sam!) and my parents got me a hotel room for Friday night, which was totally unnecessary but oh so kind. The only kicker was I didn't have internet access all weekend. The hotel I was in was so quaint that it didn't even have a telephone in the room.

I have two new pairs of pants! Brown cords (so cozy for the coming Fall) and a hot pair of jeans from RW & Co. The only negative thing is I have to have both of them tailored. It makes me feel short when the tailor has to take off about 5 inches of fabric so I don't trip over myself all the time. However, unless there is some sort of genetic thing in my family I am unaware of, I won't be getting taller any time soon.

I nearly got myself into one of my funks this weekend. I was driving down on my own on Thursday, and it was piss-pouring rain the whole way, my wipers were making this terrible "BBERRRUUUUPPPP!!!" noise on every pass, and I nearly died when I hit an invisible puddle at 90km/h and hydroplaned through the damn thing. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get there, but I eventually arrived at my friends house in Victoria, and I was in a foul mood at that point. But the strangest things can change a mood very quickly.

There was a note on their door telling me to join them at a nearby restaurant. It was close enough to walk, so I did. The rain had stopped, and I walked down the street, with crisp fresh fall air blowing gently, to meet my friends, and within minutes I had forgotten my troubles. We had a fantastic dinner, I met a great person, and we played a cool cardgame for a couple of hours before packing it in for the night.

There you go, my weekend in a nutshell!


samara 12:49 PM  

Aw, speaking of great people, you're one! And you're welcome to stay at our place anytime!

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