Sep 24, 2004

more emotions

Well here I am. I just finished having coffee, dessert, and a great big long chat with a close friend. It's nice to be able to sit down and chat with someone. As I have said in my previous posts, I can't always talk to people about problems I am having in my life. BUt I have a few very close people that I can talk to about anything that bothers me without worrying about judgement or labelling.

But as I sit here, I find that I am being consumed by the same emotions that have been eating me up for the last few weeks. It just hits without warning.

However, in chatting with my friend, I realized that it is ok for me to go and talk to a counsellor at the school. I think that it could be really relieving to go and speak to someone impartial and neutral.

I think I will make an appointment for this coming week.

Here's to better emotional health!


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