Sep 8, 2004

Here comes my heart attack...

Well, here I sit broken hearted... paid my tuition and only...

Just kidding! School has sprung! Students have been milling around campus, staring intently at their schedules. In the few short days since school has started, I have been introduced to many aspects of school. I have had school food (not bad, considering the Culinary Arts kids started this week), I have met a lot of interesting people, a few rude people, had a school computer crash on me and lose my work, there is a girl with a fairly obvious crush on me, and the coup de gras: I have been almost late for class because of parking. Hence the heart attack.

You must understand that the school I got to (Malaspina) is on the side of a small mountain, and has extremely limited parking. It isn't as bad as I have heard other schools to be, but it isn't great either. I had an 11:30am class, and I left at 11am in my car. The school is three minutes away. I ended parking at the geographically furthest location from my class.

Mal-U has three levels on the mountain: Buildings in the 100 series are at the bottom, 200 in the middle, and 300 on top. My class was on the top floor of Bldg 345, and I was parked next to Bldg 120. And I had ten minutes left before class started. I'll let you readers do the math on that one.

Needless to say I made it with about 30 seconds to spare before the instructor came in. However, the moral of the story is... Walk, carpool, or leave SUPER early.

I'm new to this blogging thing, so here I go blathering on...

Remember everyone... A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and the planet is only as cheerful as its dimmest smile. So smile and wave at a stranger!


samara 8:14 PM  

Hey Dave, great post. I look forward to reading more! when I learn how to put links on my page, I'll add your blog.

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