Sep 10, 2004

Sitting in my little room...working on something good...

I'm sitting in my little room (in Victoria), listening to the White Stripes. A lot of their music is annoying, but no matter what mood I am in their song "Little Room" is pretty much guaranteed to make me smile.

I don't know why this happens to me, but every now and then I manage to work myself into this strange little funk, where I get really depressed and easily annoyed. I don't have the foggiest idea what causes it, but I get pretty stupid. I just start to feel annoyed with every little thing around me. And I have managed to work myself into that funk this evening.

Why, you might ask? I wish I could answer. I don't really want to be here right now, my little room in Victoria is a wreck right now, my house is cold, my brother is being an ass, my mother is being pushy, and I want my own bed back! I never thought I could yearn so much for the Hub City. But I guess anything is possible.

How depressing...

See? There I go! Let the funk begin!

I'm gonna go to bed before I sink any lower!!



samara 8:00 PM  

Aw! Dave, I'm sorry I wasn't here this weekend, we could have danced your funk away. :) But I'm back and I'll talk to Tara about coming down for a visit soon! Miss you! Mera

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