Sep 9, 2004

One more year!

Well, Mal-U has been more than doubling the size of their library over the summer, and it was supposed to be done for Sept. 1. Then the date got pushed back to Oct. 1. Then, I was reading The Navigator (the student paper), which announced that the Ministry of Advanced Education found $1.7 million to put toward the project, and Mal-U found more money, so they are adding an entire floor!! Now, the completion date has been pushed back to April 2005!

Don't get me wrong, I am all for bettering education, but the libaray is in a state of total chaos right now. And they will be moving all the collections into the new half of the building right in the middle of research papers!

Couldn't the government have found the money initially? I guess it is just one of those things, sort of a double edged sword. The good thing is that the library will be fantastic once they are done. I better do most of my research online!


tara 5:55 PM  


I found your blog, and a good read too...yay!

after working at UVic for two years now, I've kinda come to understand the way the university system works: do everything really weird, confusing and tell the students lots of different information while sending them to different parts of the campus to get one thing done because no one know what they're talking about. never trust the university system!

can't wait to see you at the end of the train ride! my darling!

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