Sep 15, 2004

Get out of my group!

School has been pretty frustrating this week. We got assigned to our Groups in my history class, and I had a really good group until this guy joined the class late and got slapped in our group because we were the smallest.

After class, the prof gave us a few minutes to get to know our group (We need to meet with the prof next week, and she wants us to arrive relatively prepared) and this dude is all like "What the fuck is the teacher talking about? I don't fuckin' understand any of this fuckin' shit. Like, what the fuck does she want?"

I only have one thing to say to this guy: "Get the FUCK out of my group!" We all get along just fine, except for this one downer. Don't get me wrong, I do swear, it's part of being human. But he said "fuck" about 15 times in 2 minutes. Personally, I find that a little excessive. Especially since he would understand what the prof was talking about if he arrived to class on time and actually read the course outline. This promises to be an interesting semester. We have three group projects, and I am NOT bailing his ass out.

And people say I'm judgemental!

Also, it has been raining here for two days straight. It could stop anytime now. I know I wrote about "coffee, coziness and rain," but enough is enough. It just stopped a few minutes ago.

Anyways, I am off to the mall to spend money I don't have (Ah, VISA and Student Loans) on stuff that I need.

Cheers for now!


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